masse|masses in English


[mæ'seɪ /'mæsɪ]

(about billiards) slanted stroke made with the cue held perpendicular to the billiard table (especially to make the cue ball go around another ball that is in the way)

Use "masse|masses" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "masse|masses" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "masse|masses", or refer to the context using the word "masse|masses" in the English Dictionary.

1. They just converge on the ball en masse.

2. Sir, beyond the trees, the French infantry advancing en masse.

3. Overwhelmed by the throngs, waiters and waitresses quit en masse.

4. The Irish seem to be losing their faith en masse.

5. Jonah obeyed, and as a result, the Ninevites repented en masse.

6. He was killed, and his army quickly surrendered en masse.

7. Belladonna Lilies are most attractive in the landscape when planted en masse

8. No adnexal masses.

9. OCCURRENCES:Anorthosite occurs as relatively large igneous masses or parts of such masses, especially those that are called layered or stratiform masses

10. Requirements on ballast masses

11. Victims died en masse, for there was no effective treatment or cure.

12. 9 Individually the children are delightful; en masse they can be unbearable.

13. On the approach Of the enemy, the inhaBitants fled : from the city en masse.

14. Their affinity group joins others so they can move en masse to the target.

15. Conservative hatred for Concelebrated Masses

16. Mechanical vibrator having eccentric masses

17. In gross, 1502; by the lot, 1622; en masse, Agreat or altogether, 1580

18. Eventually, en masse, they brave the descent and fill the branches of their favourite trees.

19. It's Crowdsourcing for the masses

20. The audience cheered en masse the moment they saw the famous singer appear on the stage.

21. Agreat in gross, 1502; by the lot, 1622; en masse, Agreat or altogether, 1580

22. Never stand Aloof from the masses

23. Land masses extrude into the sea.

24. Don't alienate yourself from the masses.

25. Circumscribed masses first indicate benign lesions.